TEDR hold events during the dry season at Robbie Robbins Reserve which are open to both male and female riders of all ages and capabilities.
TEDR events include:
- Barrels - Broken up into Ledline, Rookie Juniors, Rookie Adults, Juniors & Opens. Competitors race two runs against the clock to have their average time placed in Division 1, 2 and 3. The cleanest average time sets the divisions.
- Pole Bending - Broken up into the age/ rider capabilities groups of Led-Line, Under 13, 13-17 years, Over 18yrs. Competitors must navigate a course of 6 bending poles in the 'American Style' bending pattern.
Age is as of the 1st January.
Many of our members are highly skilled horse people who are keen to pass on their knowledge and enthusiasm. If you have questions please do not hesitate to ask a committee member and if they cannot answer your question they no doubt will be able to let you know who may be able to help.
A divisional barrel race is a barrel race with a self-handicapping system. All riders run in the same barrel race, and results are categorized as follows: The fastest time sets the time brackets, and wins the first division. the second division is won by a time one second behind the overall fastest pace. The third division is won by a time two seconds behind the fastest time, and the fourth is three seconds behind the fastest time, and so on.
Because riders are split into divisions determined by their average times, it means they are only competing against riders who record similar times. This means that newcomers to the sport will have the opportunity to collect points in the lower divisions and still be in the running to win awards at the end of year presentations.
TEDR is affiliated with Australian Barrel Horse Association (ABHA). If you'd like to know more about the ABHA, you can go to their website www.abha.com.au